Monday, October 22, 2012

The Microwave Generation

The Microwave Generation is what I call anyone born after 1980. They are the people that where born into the life of convenience  and speed. They expect everything to be finished quickly. If their food does not come to them in 5 minutes, they panic and sweat. When things feel wrong to them, they go to the Doctor and get a pill prescibed to them. When they want to stay up late, they drink an energy drink or do drugs. They tend to not have conversations with people or real relationships. They have replaced it with texting and social networking,  things that did not exist until the past few years. I find myself having to go to the Urban Dictionary often to look up the new words and acronyms that this generation makes up on a daily basis. This month I had to look up SMH and SWAG.

SMH Internet speak for "Straddling My Horseradish"
"My friend asked me to help him move but I told him I was too busy smh to assist."
I think this may be wrong so let's try again.
SMH stands for "Shaking My Head" usually an acronym when you see the most ignorant, dumbest, or disapointing shit you've ever seen, you can say it rather than doing the the action
"you see that 16 year old over there?"
"that baby tee's way roo small for her, and she's preggo's"
"what's that in her mouth?"
"omg that's a blunt"
"seriously SMH"
A bit more reasonable to me. Now lets try SWAG.
The most used word in the whole fucking universe. Douche bags use it, your kids use it, your mail man uses it, and your fucking dog uses it. If you got swag, you generally wear those shitty hats side way, and your ass hanging out like a fucking goof cause your pants are half way down your white ass legs. To break down the word, it means (Secretly We Are Gay). It is also a word that means to represent yourself/ the way you represent yourself, baggy clothes, shitty hats, small penis and basically a way to say your afraid to come out of the closet.
Assface Magee: I got so much swag
Darrel: You got so much dick in your ass
Assface Magee: Fuck you, SWAG
All righty then. I don't think I will ever be using that word in my lifetime. So what happened to class, respect and the proper use of the English language? Why do they have to chop the words up like they do? Does it really save so much time to take vowels out of words when your brain has to figure out what the heck the word is without the vowel? And one of my biggest pet peeves, "alot", it 2 words people, A LOT, now is that so hard?
When computers became mainstream in the early 90's I forced myself to learn them for work purposes but, I still prefer to write long hand and keep my own files etc. Being a photographer, it took me a long time to go digital but once I did, oh yeah! That is the one thing that I can't go back on now. The days of chemicals and darkrooms are gone for me.
Microwave Generation... They don't know what hard work is. Most of their jobs are done with their fingertips and they don't know what overtime is. I can't remember how many 12 hour triple shifts I did at one particular job. That would be 36 hours straight!!! To support my family I did what I had to do and I did it with a smile on my face and I learned how to drink a lot of cappuccinos! No 5 hour energy drinks back then either.
Enough for now, I'm sure I will elaborate more on this later. Please feel free to add your comments  =:o)

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