Thursday, September 27, 2012


It's been 6 weeks since my lapband surgery and 3 days since my gallbladder surgery. I now have 8 holes in my stomache region and I'm not very happy about that. The pain isn't excruciating but, it is definately pain. I've been in bed most of the time and I'd be there now except for the fact that I'm awake and Rick isn't. Much pf the last 6 weeks has been recovery time. I have gotten out a little bit to do phtoto shoots and errands but, for every day that I go out, I end up in bed a day or 2 so I have really have to pick and choose what I am doing. My energy level has been very low and then my gallbladder started acting up again so I had to have it removed. Hopefully by doing that, the problem has been resolved.
I have decided to move on with my photography work and get a studio as soon as possible. I have friends and a relator looking for a place for me as I'm also searching online. I've found a couple of places but, nothing for sure yet. I want to be able to get in somewhere within the next few weeks. I'd like to get something downtown KC or in the West Bottoms if possible. The older the building the better for me. Somehow it just brings more character when it's an old building and then that brings out more creativity with me.
So, ya this is all pretty boring I know which is why I havn't been writing in my blog lately. The one photo shoot that I did lately that was interesting was on 9-11-12 when I was at the Liberty Memorial in KC and I happened to run into a bunch of Tibetian Monks. Yes, that is correct, straight from Tibet. They were all very nice, spoke English very well and were also funny. I got them to pose for me and strangly most of them wanted to sit up on the wall that had a 50 foot drop off. But, like me I am sure they are not afraid to die so why not jump right up there? In this picture, the monk was pretending to push over the huge urn. So today's story is teaching us that Monks can be fun too! :o)

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